Bloom | June 17 - July 31, 2022
Becky Frehse
mixed media painting
Kathy Gore-Fuss
A Place to Pause
Deborah Henderson
Marie Powell
Krista Schoening
oil and graphite
Loralin Toney
mixed media sculpture
Peggy Wilson

As summer approaches, the color of the warmer days inspires our newest exhibition, Bloom, featuring six PNW artists working in a wide array of mediums, and host to a very special installation, "A Place to Pause" by Kathy Gore-Fuss. From delicately crafted wild orchids to bold and luscious colorful meadows, Bloom has something for everyone to appreciate.
Opening Reception: Friday, June 17th
5 - 7 PM
Come join our celebration of vibrant floral forms with a dynamic exhibition overflowing with color.
Opening Reception: Friday, June 17th
5 - 7 PM
Come join our celebration of vibrant floral forms with a dynamic exhibition overflowing with color.
Becky Frehse
mixed media painting

Kathy Gore-Fuss
A Place to Pause

Deborah Henderson

Marie Powell

Krista Schoening
oil and graphite

Loralin Toney
mixed media sculpture

Peggy Wilson