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Judith Smith - "Mysterious Equation"

Judith Smith
Artist info
Mysterious Equation

32" x 26" Framed


Judith Smith Judith Smith Judith Smith Judith Smith Judith Smith Judith Smith Judith Smith Judith Smith Judith Smith Judith Smith Judith Smith Judith Smith Judith Smith Judith Smith Judith Smith Judith Smith Judith Smith Judith Smith Judith Smith Judith Smith Judith Smith Judith Smith Judith Smith Judith Smith Judith Smith Judith Smith Judith Smith Judith Smith Judith Smith Judith Smith Judith Smith Judith Smith Judith Smith lithograph Judith Smith Judith Smith crows Judith Smith crows Judith Smith crows Judith Smith crows Judith Smith crows Judith Smith crows Judith Smith crows Judith Smith painting thumbnail link Judith Smith painting thumbnail link Judith Smith painting thumbnail link Judith Smith painting thumbnail link Judith Smith painting thumbnail link Judith Smith painting thumbnail link Judith Smith painting thumbnail link Judith Smith painting thumbnail link Judith Smith thumbnail image Judith Smith thumbnail image  Judith Smith thumbnail image Judith Smith thumbnail image Judith Smith thumbnail image Judith Smith thumbnail image Judith Smith thumbnail image Judith Smith thumbnail image Judith Smith thumbnail image Judith Smith thumbnail image Judith Smith thumbnail image Smith thumbnail Smith thumbnail Smith thumbnail Smith thumbnail Smith thumbnail Smith thumbnail Smith - Silvery Moon Link to "Ancestral Guidance" by Judith G. Smith Judith Smith - "Cawboys" Link to "Crows in Madrona, Totten Inlet" by Judith G. Smith Link to "Deliverance" by Judith G. Smith Link to "Enigma I" by Judith G. Smith Link to "Enigma II" by Judith G. Smith Link to "Gauging the Outcome" by Judith G. Smith Link to "Homage to Klein" by Judith G. Smith Link to "Peligro" by Judith G. Smith Link to Link to "The Discussion" by Judith G. Smith Link to "Totemic Encounter" by Judith G. Smith Judith Smith Dancin' in the Moonlight Pastel Moon Talk Judith Smith Pastel Judith Smith- Can't Start a Fire Without a Spark" Judith Smith - "Dyin' For Some Action"" Judith Smith - "Spirit Bird' Judith Smith - "Above Suspicion" Judith Smith - "Advise and Consent" Judith Smith - "Dire Straights" Judith Smith - "Fall From Grace" Judith Smith - "Leaning Into The Wind" Judith Smith - "Mysterious Equation" Judith Smith - "Prophet" Judith Smith - "Rebels"

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222 4th Ave W Olympia, WA 98501 | 360.943.3724 

Mon - Sat | 10 - 6
Sun | 11 - 5

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