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Eileen Sorg

Eileen Sorg
Born in Seattle, Washington, Eileen Sorg still lives and works overlooking the bountiful Hood Canal. As with most Northwesterners, Eileen has a keen interest and respect for the natural landscape and its wild inhabitants. With her degree in Wildlife Science from the University of Washington and subsequent time spent studying birds and mammals as a biologist for the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service, she has now returned to art with a bit of the scientist still in tow.

Eileen enjoys exploring her subjects and seeking out the minutest details to express in her work. Her drawings have been likened to "photographs" but she is quick to point out that her pieces are less about detail and more about the subject's essence and vitality. "With my current work I am seeking to capture the playful, sometimes mischievous side of my subjects, catching them in the act of behaving unexpectedly."

Eileen's primary medium is currently colored pencil, with ink, pastel, and watercolor applied for added depth. "Primarily, I am a draftsman rather than a painter. I am most comfortable with a pencil in my hand, languishing over all the tiny changes in tone and hue." The pencil work is essential for breathing life into her subjects and creating softness.

Eileen is a Signature member of the Colored Pencil Society of America. Her work has been featured in The Artist's Magazine, American Artist, American Artists – Drawing Magazine, and she is the author of three books on colored pencil, published by Walter Foster, which are available at most booksellers.

Artist Statement
"I have chosen realism as the manner in which to express my interpretations of the world around me. Realism is not duplication; it is a process that involves intense study and understanding of a subject, a strong sense of value and color, and the mastery of a given medium. Within this realism, I enjoy creating a narrative by juxtaposing two or more completely divergent subjects together in one image and having them relate to one another in a surprising way. This visual storytelling engages the audience by allowing them to read my images and move through them like a good book."

Eileen Sorg thumbnail  Eileen Sorg thumbnail  Eileen Sorg thumbnail 

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Mon - Sat | 10 - 6
Sun | 11 - 5

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