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Jonathan Happ

Jonathan Happ
These paintings are primarily taken from walks with my wife and infant daughter while on parental leave. The work has lightened and brush marks have loosened in response to either or both of my new requirements of fatherhood and the re-shuffling of priorities, artistically and beyond. I have been an amateur cloud-spotter for many years and find endless fascination with the study and close observation of the natural world and an attempt to record a fraction of the interwoven complexity and vibrance through color and mark.

Waldinneres Nocturns
My interest in painting is primarily related to its ability to suspend time. The work evolved from investigations into death through religious and medical lenses, and explores the Roman Catholic concept of purgatory. These paintings allude to forests as a timeless and spiritual place, while the harsh and unforgiving behavior of digital light leads the viewer through the darkness. My aim is to create a reflective space that invites skepticism and expresses uncertainty.
Waldinneres is a german term meaning roughly "inside the forest".

Born in Sterling, IL. I received a BFA from Iowa State University and an MFA from University of Washington. I am an international art scholar, and awarded fine art instructor, having taught privately and at the University of Washington-Seattle, UW-Bothell, The Evergreen State College, and Gage Academy of Art in Seattle. I currently reside in Tumwater, WA with my wife, daughter, and cat, and am the gallery director at Childhood's End Gallery.

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222 4th Ave W Olympia, WA 98501 | 360.943.3724 

Mon - Sat | 10 - 6
Sun | 11 - 5

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