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Chuck Gumpert & Christopher Mathie Collaborative work

Chuck and I share about a 700 square foot studio. I work on one side and he on the other. We work back to back, but are often surprised how much our work cycles through similar color palettes, shapes and even emotional effects at the same time. We see our work as collaborative in that we critique each other's work frequently and have come to rely on each other's insights. For seventeen years as a couple we have taken in pretty much all the same stimulation as we travel through life together. However, we usually do not work on the same pieces, until now. N ew for this show, Chuck and I have collaborated on two pieces where we literally passed the paintings back and forth. It was a new and fun challenge!

The originals (pictured below) were a finished heavily textured Mathie landscape and a completed Gumpert abstract. We exchanged them for a layer of Gumpert figures and Mathie sailboats. We swapped again multiple times, each adding layers of color and slight compositional changes over a series of days. It was a good challenge to not be too attached to how the paintings were evolving and it was fun to get the pieces back at different stages and see how we could improve them. We ultimately were pleased with the outcomes.

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222 4th Ave W Olympia, WA 98501 | 360.943.3724 

Mon - Sat | 10 - 6
Sun | 11 - 5

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